MX410/MX412 System Manual Turn-up
61189500L1-1B PRELIMINARY 4-11
The following sections provide turn-up steps for applying power and logging in to the MX410/
Power Up
To power up the MX410/MX412, perform the following steps:
1. Connect the MX410/MX412 to a reliably grounded –48 VDC or ±24 VDC source, which is
electrically isolated from the AC source.
A readily accessible disconnect device, such as a rackmount fuse
and alarm panel that is suitably approved and rated should be
incorporated into the fixed wiring.
The branch circuit overcurrent protection should be a slow-blow
fuse or circuit breaker rated 2 amps or greater.
a. Determine which fuse pairs are to supply power to the chassis.
b. Remove the fuses from the A and B slots for the pair.
c. Pull the power connector straight out from the back of the MX410/MX412.
2. Apply power and check voltages.
a. Install appropriate fuses (2 amp slow-blow) in the slots in the fuse and alarm panel that
services the MX410/MX412.
b. Using a voltmeter, verify that the operating voltage is within the specifications for A or
B power feeds.
The A and B input voltage power feeds specifications are as follows:
• –48 VDC systems: –42 VDC to –60 VDC
• –24 VDC systems: –22 VDC to –27 VDC
• +24 VDC systems: +22 VDC to +27 VDC
Place the common (normally black) lead of the voltmeter on the
RET A post of the DC
power terminal block and the DC volts (normally red) lead on the
PWR A post of the DC
power terminal block.
c. Repeat step 2 for the
RET B/PWR B connections.
Installing the power connector at this stage provides power to the
MX410/MX412. The pins and connectors on the rear panel and
inside the chassis are powered. Exercise caution to avoid electrical