
Rear Panel MX410/MX412 System Manual
4-4 PRELIMINARY 61189500L1-1B
Alarm Contacts/AUX Inputs
The alarm contacts and auxiliary (AUX) inputs are shown in Figure 4-4.
Figure 4-4. Alarm Contacts and AUX Inputs
The alarm interfaces connect to the nine Form C type relays on the MX410/MX412 labeled
CRIT, MAJOR, and MINOR. Both NC (Normally Closed) and NO (Normally Open) contacts are
provided. Connect the
CRIT (Critical), MAJOR, and MINOR alarm leads from the fuse and alarm
panel to the
C (Common) and NO or NC wire-wrap terminals on the MX410/MX412 rear panel
as required.
Auxiliary alarms 1-4 connect to the MX410/MX412
AUX INPUTS labeled 1-9. These pins detect
open and closed relay contacts and are not polarity sensitive. Table 4-1 shows the pin assign-
ments for the
The alarm severity level can be changed in the Environmental Alarms menu.
After the alarm contact and AUX input connections have been made, install the protective
cover over the wire-wrap headers.
Table 4-1. AUX Inputs 1-9 Pin List
AUX INPUT Function Default Severity Level
1, 2 Alarm 1 Critical
3, 4 Alarm 2 Major
5, 6 Alarm 3 Minor
7, 8 Alarm 4 Alert
9 No Connect N/A