MX410/MX412 System Manual Menu Descriptions
61189500L1-1B PRELIMINARY 5-13
Table 5-3. MX410/MX412 Configuration Screen Fields
Field Description
Unit Name This field displays the MX410/MX412 unit name.
CLEI Code This field displays the Common Language Equipment Identifier (CLEI) code of the
Part Number This field displays the MX410/MX412 part number.
Serial Number This field displays the serial number of the MX410/MX412.
Product Revision This field displays the hardware product assembly revision of the MX410/
MAC Address This field displays the factory programmed Media Access Control (MAC) or phys-
ical layer address for the MX410/MX412.
Code Version This field displays the current firmware revision level of the MX410/MX412.
Code Checksum This field displays the checksum of the current firmware revision level of the
Boot Version This field displays the Boot ROM software revision code of the MX410/MX412.
Boot Checksum This field displays the checksum of the Boot ROM software revision code of the