Topfield v2.0 Water System User Manual

user guide Page 30
Block 6: Channel group definitions
All channels|1|*|
All BBC channels|2|*BBC*|Cbeebies|
All ITV channels|1|*ITV*|
Channel Four group|4|Channel 4|E4|More 4|Film4|
Channel Five group|1|Five*|
This block specifies the channel groups, being groups of channels across which a series
link pattern could match. A channel is said to belong to a channel group if its name
matches one of a number of patterns attached to that group; so, BBC channels as defined
above are all channels with BBC somewhere in the name, or the Cbeebies channel; ITV
channels just have ITV in the name; and so on.
The channel groups defined in the example here are the default groups: if no
iguide.epc file exists, these channel groups are defined automatically. Note that if an
iguide.epc file does exist, but contains no channel group definitions, then only “All
channels” is created by default.
The first integer (5 above) is the number of groups in total. Following lines define a
group thus:
group name|number of patterns|pattern 0|…|pattern N|
Block 7: Series link pattern definitions
BBC ONE|1|/Data Files/Dr Who/Doctor Who||32|1080|1440|16|
This block specifies the series-link patterns for each channel or channel group. One
channel/group per line, the block terminated again with an “EOF” string. Each line has
the following format:
channel/group name|number of patterns|patterns
Each pattern has the following format:
programme title pattern|keywords|integer representing days|start time|end time|
unique value
The start time and end time in the pattern line above are the number of minutes since the
start of a day: 1080 = 6.00pm, 1440 = midnight.
Note that the programme title pattern may contain a ‘path’ like portion at the beginning.
If it exists, this specifies the folder into which iGuide will move successfully recorded
programmes matching the pattern. If no path-like portion exists, the recorded
programme will remain in /Data Files.
Block 8: current skin file
The name of the file containing the current skin definition – see below.