
user guide Page 16
7 . The Series-Link Pattern Edit Screen
iGuide implements series links by creating patterns that
match on to programmes in the EPG. Generally the defaults
will match successfully, but the settings can be adjusted in
this screen.
[RED]: After confirmation (by pressing [YELLOW];
any other key cancels) deletes the current series link
and exits.
[GREEN]: ‘Refreshes’ the current pattern by removing any information regarding
deleted recordings which match it. Use this if a pattern should be matching a programme
but isn’t; alternatively, set a manual recording for the programme – it will automatically
be picked up by the series.
[YELLOW]: Saves the current state of the series link and exits
[BLUE]: Exits without saving
Use [UP ARROW] and [DOWN ARROW] to scroll through the options. The available
options are:
TITLE: The title of the programme to match against. Press [OK] to enter edit mode to
change the title – see below.
The title can contain wildcards:
‘?’ matches any single character
‘*’ matches zero or more arbitrary characters
‘\’ matches the next character exactly, so allowing titles to include the characters
‘?’ and ‘*’.
The title can contain multiple different patterns, separated by the bar (‘|’) character.
Pattern to match Possible matching programme titles
Doctor Who Doctor Who
D*r Who Doctor Who
Dr Who
The Dog Botherer Who Came To Dinner
Doctor Who|Dr Wh? Doctor Who
Dr Who
Dr Why
Doctor Who*|Dr Who* Doctor Who
Dr Who
Doctor Who And The Daleks
Dr Who Confidential
*Who*\? Doctor Who?
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
CHANNEL: The channel the programmes will be found on. Use [LEFT/RIGHT
ARROW] to change.