4. Adjust angle of the ionizer body to ensure proper static charge elimination, and fix it with detent
threads (M5) of brackets.
Recommended tightening torque for detent thread: 1.5Nm
4-2. Installation of surface electric potential sensor
In case of using a surface electric potential sensor, install it on the place which can realize
the precise sensing in order for the detecting hole to sense the target’s static charge.
Note Install so that the detecting hole will be within 50mm from the surface
of target’s static charge..
In case of using a surface electric potential sensor, install it so that the distance
between the object for static charge elimination and the ionizer stays 200 or more.
1) Mount a sensor bracket on the surface electric potential sensor with the attached M5 thread.
Recommended tightening torque for M5 thread: 1.5Nm
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2. Insert a sensor bracket into a 8 rod or hollow piping at the installation side, and fix them with a
thread (M5).
x with d
etent thread
(Fix the other side too)
Attached M5 screw