Singer 67A Sewing Machine User Manual

Little Touch & Sew 67A
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So they all went downstairs to eat Stephanie's favorite breakfast of pancakes covered with
Grandmother's homemade strawberry jam.
"Mmmm, mmmm, it's all so good," declared Stephanie. "This is my happiest birthday."
Even before she was finished eating, Stephanie began planning all the things she would
make with her Little Touch & Sew machine.
"First I think I'll make a yellow scarf trimmed with white ribbons for Barbara to wear at the
"Then I'll sew a nightie for Carolyn. I will make it pink to match the bathrobe that Mummy
made for me."
"I'll make Daddy a hankie holder. That will keep his top drawer from being such a mess."
"Grandmother needs a new apron. I will sew a pretty new apron for her."
"After I finish sewing the apron, I will make a soft stocking holder for Mummy. Then she won't
get any more snags in her stockings."
"Oh, McGurk! Did you think I forgot you ? I'm going to sew a coat for you. Then you won't get
cold when we go for long walks in the winter."
Everyone laughed at Stephanie's enthusiasm.
"We will make one thing at a time," Grandmother told her. "First, let's clear the table and then
we'll start."