Singer 67A Sewing Machine User Manual

Little Touch & Sew 67A
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Stocking holder for Mother
Choose either lightweight felt or flannel for
your stocking holder. Choose matching or
contrasting grosgrain ribbon or lace.
1. Cut an oblong of material 22 inches long
and 16 inches wide.
2. Fold up 5 inches at the bottom, with the
wrong side on the inside, to form a pocket.
3. Stitch along pocket sides. Use the illustra-
tion as a guide. The - - - lines show you
where to stitch.
4. Section the pocket part into 4 equal
spaces. Each space should be 4 inches
wide. Mark with pins.
5. Draw light lines where you should stitch.
Look at the illustration for a guide.
6. Stitch over your lines.
7. Sew a 16-inch strip of lace or grosgrain rib-
bon over the top outside edge for decora-