Fig I
Fig° i Cleaning the feed dogs with a
To insure the best possible operation
of your machine, it is necessary to
keep the essential parts clean at all
times. Using a small brush, remove the
lint that accumulates in the shuttle
area and around the feed dogs°
Fig. 2 Parts of the Shuttle Assembly
Shuttle Assembly
Shuttle Race Cover
hook Shuttle
le drive-
Shuttle Race
Fig, 2
To Clean the Shuttle Area:
1, This area must be kept free of dust,
lint and occasional tangled thread°
Raise the needle bar to its highest
point and remove the bobbin case,
2, Push levers of shuttle race aside and
lift shuttle race cover and shuttle
3. Clean the shuttle race with small
4. Put a drop of oil on the center pin
of the shuttle and shuttle race, (see
To Replace Shuttle Assembly:
1. Position shuttle race as illustrated
so that race is forming half moon
on the left side of the machine,
Hold shuttle by center pin and posi-
tion shuttle so as to form a half
moon on the right side. Pointed
hook will be on the bottom.
3. Place shuttle race cover into place
over shuttle assembly.
4. Snap the levers into position°