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Blind hems are made by using the set-
ting shown with the Stretch Stitch
Control at horizontal position. When
Stretch Stitch Control isset on middle
position between S and L, overcast
stretch stitching is made,,
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You wilt find that much of your sew-
ing in the mending category. For this
reason you have been provided with a
stitch for the repair of tears. It is ac-
complished at the illustrated setting
with Stretch Stitch Control at hori-
zontal position. When the Stretch
Stitch Control is turned to middle
position between S and L, a smocking
stitch is obtained° For directions, see
the next section of this book.
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Serging or pine leaf stretch _s used for
seam finishing on all types of fabrics.
It is a stitch used in the garment in-
dustry, It forms a good looking seam,
stitching and overcasting the edges.
This stitch is useful for seaming of
swimwear, stretch ski pants and other
types of knit sportswear. The stretch
Stitch Control must be set on middle
position between S and Lo If the
Stretch Stitch Control is set at hori-
zontal position, a shell stitch can be
For the exact settings for the above stitches see Section ]:[,
Pages 1 thru 11.