
Installer Manual
Locations Whose Contents Occupy More Than One Digit
When a location contains more than one digit, they cannot be viewed
simultaneously. As soon as a location is accessed, the first digit is displayed
automatically. Additional digits (if they exist) can be displayed by pressing the
following keys:
Used to display the next digit in a location containing at least two
digits; e.g. if 5-6-7-8 is stored in a location, the “5” is displayed first;
by pressing , the “6” will be displayed; continue this
process to display the entire contents of the chosen location. Error
beeps will be produced when it’s attempted to display digits which
don’t exist
Used to move backwards among the digits stored in a location
containing at least two digits. Error beeps will be produced when it’s
attempted to display digits which don’t exist
Audible Tones and Error Beeps
To confirm an operation, a single, long beep will be heard. However, any improper use
of the keypad resulting in an error or an unacceptable response will produce three
rapid beeps. If heard, repeat the operation or exit the programming mode and try again.
How to program installer parameters
1. To enter the Installer programming mode:
Press 4 digit Installer code followed by # (factory default 0 2 0 6)
2. To move to a new location:
Press two digits of location followed by ARM
3. To enter data into the location:
Press data digits (0 - 9 digits including hexadecimal A-F) followed by #
4. To exit programming mode:
Press 4 digit installer code followed by ARM
A Programming Tutorial
To get acquainted with some programming basics, a short tutorial has been
prepared. It involves changing the Installer Code from the factory default of 0-2-0-
6 to a sequence of your own choosing. If you can master this operation,
subsequent programming should be easy.