Water heater temperature regulation
Operating temperature (target)
The electronic control module senses water temperature in
the tank and regulates water heater ignition and firing rate to
achieve a target temperature. The target temperature can be
set between 60°F and 185°F.
High limit operations
When the heat exchanger outlet temperature exceeds 203°F,
high limit action occurs. The burner shuts down until the
heat exchanger outlet water cools down, and requires manual
reset of the control before operation will resume. To reset
control, push the RESET key on the display.
Low water cutoff protection
1. The electronic control module uses sensing of both heat
exchanger supply and return temperatures. If the flow
rate is too low or either temperature too high, the control
module modulates and shuts the burner down. This
ensures water heater shutdown in the event of low water
or low flow conditions in the heat exchanger.
Adjustable control parameters
To access the control parameters, press the MENU button on
the display. When finished, press the MENU button again to
return to the status display. Use the NEXT and PREVIOUS
buttons to select the parameter you wish to change.
Date and time
The control uses an internal clock for the night setback
feature and for logging of events. For these features to work
correctly, the clock must be set when the water heater is first
installed or anytime the water heater has been powered off
for more than 30 days. The date and time are displayed as
“MM:DD:YY W hh:mm”. MM = month, DD = date, YY =
year, W = day (1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, etc.), hh = hour (24
hour time; 2:00 PM = 14:00), mm = minutes.
Tank Differential
Once the tank set point is satisfied, the tank temperature must
drop below the set point by this amount before the heater will
fire again. The temperature range of this parameter is 3.6°F to
18°F. The default value is 6.3°F.
Temperature units (°F/°C)
The control can be configured to display temperature in either
°C or °F. This setting can be changed by the user or the installer.
The default is °F.
Night setback temperature
Once the internal clock has been set correctly, the night setback
feature can be used to program a lower tank set point. The
temperature range for this parameter is 32°F to 140°F. The
feature is turned off with a setting of 32°F. The default value is
Night setback times
If the night setback temperature is set to anything other than
32°F, the night setback feature becomes active. This will require
start and stop times to be programmed for the days that reduced
temperatures are required. Each day of the week (Sunday
through Saturday) will have an ON and OFF time.
Night setback can be programmed to skip certain days of the
week, and to remain active throughout certain days of the week.
To skip a day, set the ON and OFF times for that day to any time
before 12:00 (noon), and equal to each other. Night setback will
become inactive at the OFF time on the previous day, and
remain inactive until the ON time on the following day. To have
night setback remain active throughout an entire day, set the
ON and OFF times to any time after 12:00 (noon), and equal to
each other. Night setback will become active at the ON time on
the previous day, and remain active until the OFF time on the
following day.
Saving parameters
To save parameters:
Press the ENTER/RESET button.
To keep parameter settings only for a current operating cycle:
Press the MENU/EXIT button 1 time to return to the status
11 Operating information
The internal clock does not adjust for
Daylight Savings Time and therefore, will
require a manual adjustment.
Tank set point
When a HW call for heat becomes active, the control will use
the tank set point to determine the firing rate of the water
heater based on the actual water temperature. The
temperature range of this parameter is 60°F to 185°F. The
default value is 125°F.
Installation & Service Manual