_ Stitch pattern: 11
(3 Needle thread tension 3 to 6
__ Presser foot A: Zigzag foot
(_ Pressure dial 3
This stitch is recommended for finishing edges of knit
fabrics such as tricots, stretch velour etc., because it
provides the greatest amount of elasticity and strength.
Sew along the fabric edge leaving a t/4 (0 7 cm) seam
allowance. After finishing the sewing, trim the extra seam
allowance as shown.
Blind Hem Stitch
_1 Stitch pattern:
C_ Needle thread tension
Needle thread tension
_ Presser foot G:
Pressure dial
1 to 4 (for pattern 9)
3 to 6 (for pattern 8)
Blind hem foot
Use the same color thread as the fabric..
On heavy weight fabrics that ravel, the raw edge should be
overcast first,
Fold the hem, as illustrated..
(i_)Wrong side (Bottom side) of fabric
(._)1/4to 7/16- (0,4 to 0.7 cm)
_ Light weight fabric
Heavy weight fabric
o To sew
_1 When the needle comes to the left
_t When the needle comes to the right
_) Folded edge
There is a sliding guide screw on the blind hem foot that
allows you to precisely control where the needle pierces
the edge of the fabric fold Adjust the screw so that at the
teftmost position of the stitch, the needle just pierces the
edge of the fold,,If the needle pierces too far left, the
stitches will show on the right side of the fabric Lower-the
presser foot,,Sew, guiding the folded edge along the guide
in the foot _),