To obtain approved HOOVER service
and genuine HOOVER parts, locate the
nearest Hoover Factory Service Center
or Authorized Hoover Warranty
Service Dealer (Depot) by:
•checking the Yellow Pag_;s undor
Vacuum Cleaners - Household" OR
• checking the list of Factory Service
Centers provided with this cleaner
• calling 1-880-944-9208 rot an
automated referral of authorized
service outlet locations (U,S, only)
=checking the Service section of The
Hoov(;r Company on-line at
DO not send your cleaner to The Hoover"
Company in North Canton for service,
this will only result in delay,
If further assistance is needed_ contact
The Hoover Company Consumer
Response Center, North Canton, Ohio
44720 Phone; 330-499-9499,
In Canada, contact Hoover Canada,
Burlington, Ontario L7R 4A8,
Phone: 1-800-263-6376,
Always identify your cleaner by the com-
plete model number when requesting
inforrnation or ordering parts. (The
model number appears on the bottom of
the cleaner,)
Full One Year
Wa rra nty
(Domestic Use)
Your HOOVER@ appliance is warranted
in norr_al housohold use_ in accordance
with the Owner's Manual against original
defects In materlaJ and workmanship for
a period of one full year from date of
purchase. This warranty provide.% at no
cost to you, all labor and parts to place
this appliance in correct operating con-
dition during the warranted period, This
warranty applies when the appliance is
purchased in the United States including
its territories and possessions, or in
Canada or from a U. S, Military
Exchange. Appliances purchased else-
where are covered by a Ilmited one year
warranty which covers tile cost of parts
only. This warranty does not apply If the
appliance is used in a coi_nlercial or
reiltal application,
Warranty servict-; can only be obtained
by presenting the appliance to one of
the following authorizod warranty ser-
vice outlets, Proof of purchase will be
required before servic(z is r(;nd_;red,
1, Hoover Factory Service Centers.
2, Hoover Authoriz[_-d Warranty
Service Dealers (Depots),
For an automated referral of autho-
rized service outlets in the U.S.A.,
phone 1-800-944-9200 OR
visit The Hoover Company on-line at
This warranty does not cover pick up
delivery, or house calls; however, if you
mail your appliance to a Hoover Factory
Service Center for warranty service,
transportation will be paid orqe way.
While this warranty gives you specific
Iogal rights, you may also havo other
rights which vary frol_ state to state,
If further assistance Is needed, or if
there are questions concerning this war-
ralqty or the availability of warranty ser-
vice outlets, writo, or phono the
Consumer Response Center, The
Hoow;r Company, 10t East Maple; St,,
North Canton, Ohio 44720,
Phone 1-330-499-9499.
In Canada, contact Hoover Canada,
Burlington, Ontario L7R 4A8,