To clean the outside of the machine,
wipe off dirt with a cloth dampened in
waI'lTI water and mild detergent, DO not
use solvent or petroleum based prod-
ucts to clean the machine.
Read "Before you begin cleaning"
instructions on page 9.
1 , Fill clean _;olution tank (upper tank)
with HOOVER Carpet/U pholstery
aet[_'rgent according to instructions for
Figs, 2-8 to 2-14.
2. Move speed selector to LO for gen-
tle cleaning or HI for normal cleaning.
3, Dry hands and plug cord into a prop-
erly grounded outlet.
Do not clean over floor electrical out-
4. To avoid walking on damp carpet,
start at the end of the room farthest from
the door Or path to sink where tanks will
be emptied and filled,
Step on handle release pedal and lower
handle to operating position; turn deep
cleaner ON,
5, Squeeze trigger to release cleaning
solution and SlOWly push deep cleaner
forward (equals one wet stroke),
6, Continue to squeeze trigger and
SlOWly pull deep cleaner back toward
you (s_;cond wet stroke). Release trigger
and slowly push deep cleaner forward
over area just sprayed with solution (dry
stroke), Then slowly pull deep cleaner
back toward you without squ[;[_.zing trig-
ger (dry stroke).
7, Overlap strokes by ] inch to help pre-
vent streaking,
Keep nozzle fiat on floor for both for-
ward and reverse strokes,
8. For heavily soiled areas, repeat steps
5-7, Avoid saturating carpet, as noted
9, For particularly soiled carpet or
spots, use the Clean Surge TM button
(see following section), Avoid saturating
carpet, as noted below,
Note: To avoid saturating carpet, do
not use more than 4 wet strokes over
one area. Always end with dry
It is best to alt(_-rnatc_ wet and dry
strokes as described above,
For [lest cleaning results and to aid in
faster drying of carpet, end with more
dry strokes, (Continue using dry strokes
until littte water is visible passing
through the recovery tank lid ,)
Empty recovery tank when the motor
sound becomes higher pitched and
thn.rt-_ is a loss in suction (see
"Automatic shut-off", Fig, 2-6)
When finish_.d cleaning, follow "After
cleaning" instructions on pages 9,
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Clean Surge TM Button
(some models)
The 'Clean Surge' button can he used to
dispense extra solution when cleanJlhg
particularly soiled areas of carpet or spots,
To use, press 'Clean Surge' button While
squeezing solution trigger, For normal
solution spray, release button and contin-
ue to squeeze solution trigger,
How to attach bare floor
at_ta c h m e nt (some models)
Disconnect deep cleaner from electri-
cal outlet.
To prevent possible leaking, remove
clean solution tank (Fig, 2-8) and recov-
ery tank (Fig, 2-15) before positioning
bare floor attachment,
Set tanks asid{; (do not set tank on furni-
1. With handle In upright position, tilt
cleaner back so that handle rests on the
Your deep cleaner may also be used to
pick up small liquid spills (1 gallon or
less, never to exceed 1/4 inch in
depth) on carpet, upholstery, or bnr_
1. For best results, pick up spills imme-
diately by placing the stair/upholstery
nozzle just above the spill and suction
up any r_-.sidue on top of the carpet,
2, If the spill remains, place either the
stair/ upholstery nozzle or floor nozzle
with brushes turned OFF in fl'ont of the
spill, pull the nozzle very slowly over the
spill initially with suction only.
Re.peat with spray and suction,
2. With fonm strip (A) 0o_ated und(;r the
netting) in position as shown, place
attachment on front of nozzle; (B).
Make sure arrow on {znd of attachment
points in tiqe direction as shown,
When picking up spills onbare floors,
use only thefloor nozzle withthe bare
floor attachment (some models) in place
and speed selector in the OFF position
(this wllI h(;Ip p_vent spr_zoding the spill),
if a spot is loll, the stairfupholstery rlozzIu is
generally more effective for removing it,
Although no cleaning solution can com-
pletely remove all spots, they can be treat-
ed by following the instructions provided
by the manufacturer of the carpet, uphol-
stery, or bare floor surface being cleaned,
Do notuse the deep cleanerto pick up
flammable or combustible liquids or
Wh_;n fini_;h_-d, follow "Aftnr ck_anlng"
instructions on pages 9,
3. Push attachment against nozzle while
rotating attachltlent downward until both
ends snap into place,
(Note: Some force may be required to
rotate and snap attachment into place.)