Configurable Zone Type Programming Fields
The system allows you to define a custom zone type, based on the options described below. This
configurable zone types can be programmed via the downloader or from a keypad using data fields
*182-*183 described below.
UL installations: Do not configure zones as fire alarm or UL burglar alarm zones.
Configurable Zone Type 90
Enter the appropriate value for each entry, 1-10, based on the charts on the next page.
To calculate the
value for each entry, add the values of the selected options in each of the entry’s columns shown in the
respective chart (one option per column). For example, to program entry 2 for “alarm response to
short,” “auto restore on,” but not a “vent zone,” enter 5 (“1” for alarm short + “4” for auto restore-yes +
“0” for vent zone-no).
Zone Type 90 Report Codes
Enter the desired 3-digit Contact ID® report codes for alarms and troubles occurring on zones assigned
to this zone type.
Press [∗] to accept and continue.
Important Notice on Report Codes: To avoid confusion at the central station, it is recommended
that existing Contact ID® codes be used with configurable zone types whenever possible. See list in
System Communication section and/or check with the central station for a complete list of Contact
ID® report codes. If none of the codes are suitable, choose a code in the reserved range of 750-789
(reserved for configurable zone type report codes) and make sure to define the code with your central
Configurable Zone Type Options
Auto Restore (entry 2) Faults on zones set for this option are cleared; restore messages sent upon
restoral of faults.
Vent Zone (entry 2) Zones set for this option are ignored if faulted when arming the system, but are
protected if the zone is later restored (e.g., an open window can be ignored when
arming, but if the window is later closed, it will be protected; opening the
window again causes an alarm.)
Bypass Disarmed (entry 4) Zones set for this option can be bypassed only while the system is disarmed.
Bypass Armed (entry 4) Zones set for this option can be bypassed when the system is armed or
Dial Delay (entry 6) Alarms on zones set for this option participate in dial delay central station
reporting, if system dial delay enabled in field *50.
Fault Delay (entry 6) Faults on zones set for this option are delayed by the time set in field *87. Do
not use this option if using entry/exit delay for this zone type.
Faults Display (entry 7) Selects how faults on zones set for this zone type are displayed.
Power Reset/Verification Selects whether the system resets power (when user enters code + OFF), and
(entry 7) whether the system performs alarm verification (see description for zone type
16 in Programming Overview section) when a fault occurs on these zones.
Use Entry Delay (entry 8) Selects whether to use the system’s entry delay times.
Use Exit Delay (entry 8) Selects whether to use the system’s exit delay time.
Interior Type (entry 8) Zones set for this option are treated same as standard zone type 4 (bypasses
when armed STAY, faults displayed).
Alarm Sounds (entry 9) Selects the type of alarms sound for zones set for this zone type.
Bell Timeout (entry 9) Alarm sounding on zones set for this option remain for the duration set in fields
Fire Zone (entry 9) Zones set for this option respond in the same manner as if programmed for zone
type 9. Do not set fire zones to respond as a “fault” in entries 1-6.
Trouble Sounds (entry 10) Selects the type of trouble sounds for zones set for this zone type (periodic beeps
= once every 30 seconds; trouble beeps = rapid beeping).
Chime Enable (entry 10) Zones set for this option cause a chime when Chime mode is on.