Event Log Full Report Code
Enter the appropriate report code, which is sent when the event log is 80% full (if an event log enable is
made in field ∗90). If the log becomes full, new messages overwrite the oldest messages in the log.
Event Log Enables
Select the types of events (up to 32 events) the system should log. The downloader operator can then
upload the log and view or print out all or selected categories of the log. The downloader operator can
also clear the log. The Event log can also be viewed at an alpha keypad. The display/printout at the
central station will show the date, time, event, and description of occurrences.
Example: For Alarm/Alarm Restore” and “Open/Close”, enter 9 (1+ 8); to select all events, enter #15.
Option Selection
Select the desired options by adding the values of each desired option. Multiple choice example: for both
AAV and Exit delay restart, enter # + 12 (4 + 8).
VISTA-10PSIA: Options: Same as VISTA-10P.
Call Waiting Disable: 0 = call waiting not used
1 = call waiting disable digits (*70) entered in field *40; (when selected, the system dials the entry
in field *40 only on alternate dial attempts; this allows proper dialing in the event call waiting
service is later canceled by the user).
“Exit Delay Restart/reset” option allows use of the [∗] key to restart the exit delay at any time when the
system is armed STAY or INSTANT. This feature also enables automatic exit delay reset, which resets
exit delay if the entry/exit door is re-opened and closed before exit delay time expires after arming
AWAY. Automatic Exit Delay Reset occurs only once during an armed period.
IMPORTANT: AAV should not be used when Paging or Alarm Reports are sent to a secondary
number unless the monitoring zone option is used (which pauses calls). Otherwise, the call to the
secondary number by the communicator after the alarm report will prevent the AAV from taking
control of the telephone line, and the AAV “Listen in” session cannot take place.
UL installations using the AAV feature must use the ADEMCO UVCM module (part of
the ADEMCO UVS system). Exit Delay Restart/Reset must be disabled.
SIA Guidelines: Exit delay should be enabled.
No. of Reports In Armed Period per Zone (Swinger Suppression)
Select the number (0, 1, or 2) of alarm/alarm restore message pairs per zone allowed to be sent to the
central station in an armed period. SIA Guidelines: Must be set for option 1 or 2.
VISTA-10PSIA: Report Pairs: 1 = 1 report pair; 2 = 2 report pairs
Unlimited Reports Enable:
0 = restrict reports to the setting in entry 1
1 = unlimited reports for zones listed in zone list 7; (use zone list 7 to list zones that require unlimited
reporting; these zones ignore the setting in entry 1)
Download Phone Number
Enter the downloading computer phone number.
Do not fill unused spaces. End field by entering ∗. To clear entries from field, press ∗94∗.
Ring Count For Downloading
Refer to the chart below and program this field accordingly.
phone answer down-
module machine loading Set field ∗
∗95 to…
yes no no 1-14 (not 0)
yes yes no higher than number of rings set on answer machine (e.g., if ans. machine is 4
rings, set this field to 5). This allows access to the phone module if the answer
machine is turned off.
yes no yes 1-14 (not 0)
yes yes yes 15 (bypasses answer machine
no no no 0
no yes no 0
no no yes 1-14
no yes yes 15
NOTE: If “15” is entered to bypass an answering machine, and a 4285 or 4286 Phone Module is included in the system, note the
following: When calling in from an off-premises phone, the user should make the initial call, allow 1 or 2 rings only, then hang up,
then call again. The phone module will now seize the line, and 2 long tones sound, followed by the usual voice prompt for the access
code. If this procedure is not followed, phone module operation will not be possible.