If your security system has been connected to the telephone line, and there is trouble with regular
telephone service, disconnect the security system from the telephone line by removing the plug from
the RJ31X (CA38A in Canada) telephone wall jack (you should have been shown how to do this by your
installing company). Do not attempt to disconnect the telephone line connection inside the control
cabinet. Doing so will result in the COMPLETE disruption of your regular telephone service.
If the regular phone works correctly after the plug has been disconnected from the RJ31X wall jack,
the security system has a problem and you should call your service representative for service
immediately. If, upon disconnection of the security system from the wall jack, there is still a problem
with telephone service, notify the telephone company that they have a problem and request prompt
repair service.
IMPORTANT: A security system connected to an alarm monitoring station relies on that
• If the security system is at fault, reinsert the plug as soon as the security system is repaired.
• If the phone service is at fault, re-insert the plug immediately, to ensure resumption of full protection
upon restoration of phone service.
The user may not, under any circumstances (in or out of warranty), attempt any service or repairs to
the system.