This service manual is designed to be used in conjunction
with the installation manuals provided with each air
conditioning system component.
This service manual was written to assist the professional
RAC service technician to quickly and accurately diagnose
and repair malfunctions.
This manual will deal with subjects in a general nature.
(i.e. all text will not pertain to all models).
IMPORTANT: It will be necessary for you to accurately
identify the unit you are servicing, so you can be certain of
a proper diagnosis and repair. (See Unit Identification.)
The information contained in this manual is intended
for use by a qualified service technician who is
familiar with the safety procedures required in
installation and repair, and who is equipped with the
proper tools and test instruments.
Installation or repairs made by unqualified persons
can result in hazards subjecting the unqualified
person making such repairs to the risk of injury or
electrical shock which can be serious or even fatal
not only to them, but also to persons being served
by the equipment.
If you install or perform service on equipment, you
must assume responsibility for any bodily injury or
property damage which may result to you or others.
Friedrich Air Conditioning Company will not be
responsible for any injury or property damage arising
from improper installation, service, and/or service
Table of Contents
Unit Identification ............................................... 3
Unit Specifications ............................................. 4
Unit Performance ......................................... 5-11
Refrigeration Sequence of Operation .............. 12
Electrical Rating Tables ................................... 13
Compressor..................................................... 14
Thermal Overload (External) ........................... 14
Thermal Overload (Internal)............................. 15
Fan Motor ........................................................ 15
System Switches/Controls .......................... 15-24
Thermostats (Indoor) ..................................24-25
Thermostats (Defrost) ................................ 25-26
Resistor (Heat Anticipator) ............................... 26
Capacitor, Run ................................................. 26
Check Valve .................................................... 27
Heat Pump Reversing Valve ............................ 27
Solenoid Coil (Heat Pump Models) .................. 28
Valve, Drain Pan .............................................. 29
Heating Element .............................................. 29
Sealed Refrigeration Repairs ...................... 29-30
Refrigerant Charging ..................................30-31
Undercharged Refrigerant Systems ...........31-32
Overcharged Refrigerant Systems .................. 32
Restricted Refrigerant System ......................... 33
Routine Maintenance ....................................... 34
Troubleshooting .......................................... 34-45
Wiring Diagrams
"RS", "RM",...................................................46
"SQ" ............................................................. 47
"KQ" ........................................................48-49
"XQ" ............................................................. 50
"YQ" ............................................................. 51
"SC" ............................................................. 52
"SS", "SM" .................................................... 53
"SL" .............................................................. 54
"KS", "KM", "KL" ........................................... 55
"ES", "EM", "EL", "EK" .................................. 56
"YS13", "YM", "YL" ....................................... 57
"YS09" .......................................................... 58
"EQ" ............................................................. 59
"WS"............................................................. 60
"WE"............................................................. 61
"WY"............................................................. 62
Testing XQ and QME Boards .......................... 63
Typical Unit Components
Return Air Grille/Filter
Discharge Air
Evaporator Coil
Blower Wheel
Capillary Tube
Condenser Fan Blade
Outdoor Grille
Condenser Coil
Front Cover
System Switches
Reversing Valve
(some models)
Fresh Air
Liquid Filter Driers
Blower Motor