Condenser Fans
Shut off service switch to deenergize condenser-fan
ADJUSTMENT — Remove fan guard from top of unit. Re-
move rubber hubcap from fan hub and loosen fan hub set-
screws. Adjust fan height using a straight edge laid across
fan deck venturi (Fig. 38). Tighten setscrews and replace rub-
ber hubcap to prevent hub from rusting to motor shaft. Fill
hub recess with Permagum (or similar adhesive) if rubber
hubcap is missing.
FAN MOTOR REMOVAL — Disconnect motor electrical
leads at motor control box. Loosen fan hub setscrews and
remove fan. Loosen motor mounting band and lift out
Reverse this procedure for reassembly.
LUBRICATION — Condenser-fan motors have factory-
lubricated bearings. No relubrication is necessary for the first
3 to 5 years of continuous operation except in excessively
dirty outdoor-air applications.After the first relubrication bear-
ings must be opened, cleaned, and repacked annually with
light- to medium-duty multi-purpose grease.
Evaporator Fans and Motor
Shut off service switch to deenergize evaporator-fan
MOTOR REMOVAL — Disconnect motor power wires at
conduit connection on unit junction box. Then remove mo-
tor and conduit assembly from unit.
1. Remove fan motor and belts.
2. Loosen the locknut on each shaft bearing collar and re-
move the fan drive pulley.
3. Loosen the fan wheel locknuts and slide out fan shaft.
4. Remove the 2 bearings.
Reverse steps 1-4 to reassemble.
FAN SPEED ADJUSTMENT — Pulley listed in Table 1 is
factory installed in the unit.
If the factory-supplied pulley is not suitable, provide a field-
supplied pulley of the correct size as required. Refer to
Table 1 for additional fan data.
IMPORTANT: Increasing fan speed increases load on
motor. Do not exceed maximum fan motor full load
amperage (Tables 2 and 3).
Fig. 37 — Motormasterா Thermistor
Locations on Condenser Coil
Fig. 38 — Condenser-Fan Adjustment