Link/Seg Traps
3-6 Enabling and Disabling Link/Seg Traps
Viewing and Configuring Link/Seg Traps for Ports
To enable or disable Link and Segmentation traps for individual ports:
1. In the Repeater Link/Seg Traps window, select a repeater in the scroll list.
2. Click mouse button 1 on ; the Port Traps window, Figure 3-4,
will appear.
Figure 3-4. The Port Traps Window
3. In the Port Traps window, click mouse button 1 to select the port or ports for
which you wish to configure traps.
• If the Set Trap Status For field displays
Selected Ports
(the default
setting), you can click to select any ports; to de-select any highlighted port,
click on it again.
• If the selection
All Ports on Module
is displayed in the Set Trap Status For
field, you can select only one port at a time; trap status will be set for all
ports on the same module as the selected port.
• If the selection
All Ports on Repeater
is displayed in the Set Trap Status
For field, all available ports will be automatically selected; if you de-select
any port, the Set Trap Status For field will automatically revert to the
Selected Ports