Using the SEHI100TX Hub View
2-14 Monitoring Hub Performance
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This Þeld is not supported by the SEHI100TX-22.
Checking Port Status
You can open a Port Status window (Figure 2-9) for any port in the SEHI100TX-
controlled HUBStack. To open the Port Status window:
1. Click mouse button 3 in the Port Index or Port Status box to display the Port
2. Drag down to Status and release.
Figure 2-9. The Port Status Window
Note that the window title includes the module and port number in parentheses;
the rest of the window contains the following Þelds:
This text Þeld can help identify the port; the information entered here is not
displayed anywhere else in the Hub View.
To edit the Name:
1. Highlight the text in the Name box and type in a new name.
2. Press Enter or Return on the keyboard to save your change.
Link Status
The portÕs Link Status tells you whether or not the port has a valid connection to
the node at the other end of the cable segment. The possible Link conditions are: