580D072 (6 TONS)*
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
1800 885 0.63 623 942 0.73 700 1047 0.90 835 1139 1.05 956 1193 1.14 1031 1276 1.30 1165
1900 928 0.73 700 982 0.83 779 1084 1.02 932 1160 1.11 1006 1223 1.24 1114 1301 1.38 1233
2000 971 0.84 787 1022 0.94 867 1121 1.12 1014 1188 1.22 1097 1254 1.36 1216 1329 1.44 1284
2100 1015 0.97 891 1063 1.10 998 1140 1.18 1064 1196 1.27 1140 1272 1.45 1292 1354 1.58 1404
2200 1060 1.10 998 1104 1.20 1081 1159 1.23 1106 1229 1.41 1258 1306 1.53 1361 1363 1.70 1508
2300 1104 1.25 1123 1130 1.27 1140 1196 1.37 1224 1264 1.56 1387 1340 1.66 1473 1397 1.86 1648
2400 1138 1.30 1165 1174 1.37 1224 1245 1.57 1396 1305 1.63 1447 1373 1.84 1630 1440 1.95 1726
2500 1183 1.43 1275 1201 1.50 1335 1284 1.65 1465 1338 1.75 1552 1402 1.99 1761 1469 2.04 1805
2600 1210 1.58 1404 1246 1.67 1482 1312 1.76 1560 1366 1.96 1735 1435 2.10 1858 1494 2.19 1936
2700 1254 1.76 1560 1285 1.80 1595 1354 1.95 1726 1403 2.14 1892 1474 2.21 1954 1536 2.46 2171
2800 1274 1.82 1613 1304 1.85 1639 1374 2.12 1875 1459 2.25 1989 1514 2.42 2136 1570 2.66 2343
2900 1318 1.95 1726 1345 2.05 1814 1412 2.32 2050 1496 2.54 2240 1529 2.61 2300 1603 2.87 2521
3000 1362 2.20 1945 1378 2.30 2032 1451 2.40 2119 1534 2.66 2343 1560 2.81 2470 1611 3.01 2648
580D072 (6 TONS)* (cont)
External Static Pressure (in. wg)
1.2 1.4 1.6
Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts Rpm Bhp Watts
1800 1341 1.40 1250 1413 1.55 1378 1474 1.58 1404
1900 1374 1.53 1361 1437 1.62 1439 1490 1.67 1482
2000 1396 1.66 1473 1460 1.68 1491 1509 1.77 1569
2100 1413 1.75 1552 1475 1.73 1534 1529 1.92 1700
2200 1434 1.81 1604 1487 1.85 1639 1554 2.07 1831
2300 1459 1.88 1665 1520 2.07 1831 1576 2.24 1980
2400 1502 2.06 1823 1552 2.24 1980 1604 2.42 2136
2500 1524 2.24 1980 1585 2.42 2136 1638 2.60 2292
2600 1552 2.40 2119 1616 2.63 2317 1671 2.80 2462
2700 1584 2.61 2300 1646 2.83 2487 1706 2.97 2653
2800 1624 2.85 2504 1677 2.99 2661 —— —
2900 1671 3.03 2725 —— — —— —
3000 —— — —— — —— —
Bhp — Brake Horsepower Input to Fan
FIOP — Factory-Installed Option
Watts — Input Watts to Motor
*Motor drive range is 1070 to 1460 rpm. All other rpms require a field-
supplied drive.
1. Boldface indicates field-supplied motor and drive are required.
2. Values include losses for filters, unit casing, and wet coils. See
page 52 for accessory/FIOP static pressure information.
3. Maximum continuous bhp is 2.4 and maximum continuous watts are
2120. Extensive motor and electrical testing on these units ensures
that the full range of the motor can be utilized with confidence. Using
your fan motors up to the wattage ratings shown will not result in nui-
sance tripping or premature motor failure. Unit warranty will not be
affected. See Evaporator-Fan Motor Performance table on page 55
for additional information.
4. Use of a field-supplied motor may affect wire sizing. Contact your
local representative for details.
5. Interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate.