Bradford-White Corp 55X80B*N Water Heater User Manual

Table of Contents
Page Procedure
Troubleshooting Chart White Rodgers and Robertshaw Gas Control 3 - - -
Troubleshooting Chart Honeywell Gas Control 4 - - -
Thermocouple Testing and Replacement White Rodgers and Robertshaw Gas Control 6 AG-I
Thermopile Testing and Replacement Honeywell Gas Control 7 AG-I
Pilot Assembly Inspection Cleaning and Replacement
White Rodgers and Robertshaw Gas Control 9 AG-II
Pilot Assembly Inspection Cleaning and Replacement Honeywell Gas Control 10 AG-II
Gas Control Testing and Replacement White Rodgers and Robertshaw 12 AG-III
Gas Control Replacement Honeywell 12 AG-III
Honeywell Thermowell Testing and Replacement 16 AG-III
Honeywell Gas Control and Thermowell Replacement 18 AG-III
Burner Operation Inspection, Adjustment, Cleaning and Replacement 20 AG-IV
Dip Tube and Anode Inspection and Replacement 23 AG-V
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