Advantech PCI-1718 Series Carbon Monoxide Alarm User Manual

39 Chapter 4
4.3.1 Software Trigger and Polling
1. Set the input range for each A/D channel
2. Set the input channel by specifying the MUX scan range
3. Trigger the A/D conversion by writing to the A/D low byte register
(BASE+0) with any value.
4. Check for the end of the conversion by reading the A/D status reg-
ister (BASE+8) EOC bit.
5. Read data from the A/D converter by reading the A/D data register
(BASE+0 and BASE+1)
6. Convert the binary A/D data to an integer.
MUX Scan
Channel Control &
A/D Range
Set Software
Trigger and
Disable Generated
Software A/D
Check EOC
Get Data
w Base+0 1H
w Base+0 2H
w Base+ 09H
w Base+ 00H
r Base+ 08H
r Base+ 00H
r Base+01H
More Data?
Set Scan Channel