ADT Security Services 200 Plus Home Security System User Manual

Quick Start (cont’d)
Enter your ID code. Count to 15 after you hear the long beep. The
operating panel should now become inactive. Enter your ID code
again. As soon as you hear the long beep, press the More selection
once. The screen should change to the next menu, Action Menu 2
(see page 21). Wait a few seconds and press More again. You
should now be on Action Menu 3 (see page 23). Now wait a full
minute. What happens?
If you waited a full minute in the last exercise, your operating panel should
have entered its timeout phase. In other words, you have one minute after
entering your last menu selection before the operating panel shuts down.
If this feature has been enabled, you can activate a silent holdup alarm by
entering the Duress code programmed by your system installer.
The Navigational Menu Selections
Each of the four Action Menus has several selections, depending on user
privilege. Among these are the navigational menu selections, which take you
from one menu to the next and back again. The two navigational selections
from these menus are More/First and Quit/Previous.
The More/First Selection
The More selection allows you to scroll through the Action Menus. At the last
menu designation, the More selection changes to First. Selecting First brings
you back to the first Action Menu. The position (bottom right) of the key does
not change.