___________________________________________ Options 10-27
Figure 10.30 shows upgrade installation locations.
Fig 10.30 Controller Board
Installing SODIMM and Firmware Upgrades
SODIMMs are used for RAM upgrades. NEIT and resolution
upgrades are firmware (flash ROM) changes.
RAM Upgrades (SODIMMs)
Standard RAM configuration is 16 MB for the Accel-a-Writer 3N,
32 MB for the 3DN, and 64 MB for the 3G. Your printer features
interleaved DRAM for faster processing and better buffering
RAM can be upgraded with 16 and 64 MB SODIMMs installed in
the DRAM banks (fig. 10.30). SODIMMs must be installed in pairs.
If you use both 16 MB and 64 MB SODIMMs, the pair of 64 MB
SODIMMs must be installed in the DRAM banks labeled 0 (0/0 and
0/1). The following list shows valid DRAM SODIMM installations
for your printer.