
6-24 Configurationbb ______________________________________
Spool Menu
Use Spool menus to enable (YES) or disable (NO) the spooling
feature on each interface. Spool menus only appear if an optional
IDE disk is installed. The factory default is No for all interfaces. See
“Spooler” in chapter 3 (Macintosh) or 4 (PC) for spooling details.
RS232 Configuration
When using the RS232 port, you must configure the printer and PC to use
the same baud rate, parity, flow control, data bit, and stop bit settings.
Baud rate is the rate at which serial data is sent between the
computer and printer. The Baud Rate menu allows you to select rates
of 1200, 9600, and 19200. The factory default is 9600.
Parity is used to check for transmission errors by comparing the
group of data bits sent to the group received. A loss of data during
transmission usually results in a change to the group size. Parity
options are None (the factory default), Even, Odd, Mark, and Space.
Flow control is the mechanism the printer uses to signal the
computer that it is ready to accept data. The Flow Control menu
allows you to select XON/XOFF (software) or DTR (hardware) flow
control. The factory default is XON/XOFF.
The Data Bits menu allows you to select either 7 or 8 (the factory
default) data bits.
The Stop Bits menu allows you to select either 1 (the factory default)
or 2 stop bits.
Parallel Configuration
When using the Parallel interface, set the Handshaking menu
(PARALLEL:HNDSHK) for handshaking mode used on your
system. Handshaking options are Auto (Automatic), Compat
(Compatible), Bidi (Bidirectional), and ECP (Enhanced/Extended
Capabilities Port). The factory default Auto.
Novell Print Server Configuration
When using the Novell Print Server interface, set the printer for the
NetWare protocol frame type used on your network. You can also
specify a printer timeout on the network.