4-44 PC Setupbb __________________________________________
Fig. 4.27 Reset Curves Window
2. Choose either Reset Custom Gamma X to factory setting (the X
will be replaced by the number of the curve you highlighted in
step 1) or choose Reset all to factory settings. Then, select
Negative Film if the final printed output will be a negative
3. Click Ok. After the curve or curves are reset, the Linearization
window reappears.
4. Click Close; the Linearization window closes. Then, select
File: Exit to close Command Center.
Accurate Calibration Technology (X-ACT)
Use XANTÉ’s patented X-ACT feature to calibrate your printer in
two ways, through the front panel MISC:XACT menu or through
XANTÉ Command Center’s X-ACT menu.
Front Panel X-ACT
Your printer’s front panel MISC:XACT menu allows you to make
1/2 mm line length adjustments using the following procedure.