4-18 PC Setupbb __________________________________________
9. Select the port through which your PC is connected to the printer
from the Available Ports box in the Local Port Selection window
(fig. 4.11); then for Windows 95 and 98 click Next and go to step
11. For Windows NT 4.0, select LPT1; then, click Next and go to
step 10. (The actual port configuration is done in “Configuring
the PPD for Windows 95, 98, or NT 4.X,” later in this chapter.)
Note: Click Configure Port to change port configuration.
Fig. 4.11 Local Port Selection Window
10. Select Not Shared in the Get Shared Information window.
Click Next. This window only appears on systems running
Windows NT 4.0.
11. Set the following options in the Add Printer window (Windows 95 or
98) or Get Setup Information (Windows NT 4.0).
Fig. 4.12 Add Printer Window