_______________________________________ Ethernet Setup 5-3
This chapter covers configuration for the EtherTalk, Novell Print
Server, and Line Printer protocols on the printer’s Ethernet interface
using printer front panel menus, XANTÉ Command Center, and
specific network software. It also covers NetBEUI configuration in a
PC environment.
EtherTalk Network Configuration
Ethernet, a multiple protocol medium, allows you to run several
network protocols concurrently. An EtherTalk network allows you to
run the AppleTalk protocol on a physical base which can be three to
five times faster than a LocalTalk network.
Note: Typically, only Macintosh computers are installed on an
EtherTalk network. If you have PCs operating in an
EtherTalk network, see the documentation that came with
your PC EtherTalk interface.
The following steps are required to set up your XANTÉ printer on an
EtherTalk network. Chapter 2 covers step 1, chapter 6 covers step 2,
and this section covers steps 3 and 4.
1. Connect your XANTÉ printer to the network through the
Ethernet port.
2. Enable the printer’s EtherTalk interface, if necessary.
3. Select the EtherTalk Phase 2 driver.
4. Change the EtherTalk Zone name, if necessary.
Select the EtherTalk Phase 2 Driver
Your printer supports EtherTalk Phase 2 on an EtherTalk network. If
the Phase 2 driver is not included with your Macintosh operating
system, call the vendor that supplied the Ethernet card for your