SafeNet/400 Reference Guide
Copyright 2008 MP Associates of Westchester, Inc.
V8.50 - May 2008
Once you have planned your server function Security Level settings, SafeNet/400 gives you a
method to test the settings to make sure they will provide the level of security you anticipate. It
acts as a “what-if” tool to verify the effect your settings will have before you actually turn on
access control.
If you have been logging network requests with SafeNet/400 you can, at any time, run each
historical record through the security checking routines and receive a result of ‘ACCEPTED’ or
‘REJECTED’ based on current and future SafeNet/400 settings.
This allows you to make changes to the server function Security Level, the user-to-server
settings, or data rights authorities, and using previously logged requests, tell immediately if your
settings will give the desired response to the clients.
To test your collected transactions use:
On-line Transaction Tester (PCTESTR) – the preferred method
Security Report by User in test mode (Menu SN4, Option 1)