SafeNet/400 Reference Guide
Copyright 2008 MP Associates of Westchester, Inc.
V8.50 - May 2008
FTP Server Request Validation
Description: FTP Server Request Validation
This function is used whenever the System i5 receives an FTP command it must act upon.
Where used: Internets and Intranets
MS Windows
And most other operating systems
Server Identifier: *FTPSERVER
Format Name: VLRQ0100
Levels Supported: Basic (Level 1,2)
Intermediate (Level 3)
Advanced (Level 4)
Limitations: None
Setting: Level 4, Log All
1. At Level 4, users must be authorized to the objects and the FTP statements they require
and the CL commands they may issue to the System i5.
3. Only at Level 4 are ‘ANONYMOUS’ logons allowed. This is in conjunction with the
special FTP security settings. See Chapter 4 in this guide, ‘Setting up FTP’
(CHGFTPSET command).
4. You can limit FTP connections from specific IP Addresses. See commands:
You can also review ‘Setting up TCP/IP Address Controls’ in Chapter 3 of this guide.