SafeNet/400 Reference Guide
Copyright 2008 MP Associates of Westchester, Inc.
V8.50 - May 2008
If you would like to see the list of all users who have been defined within SafeNet/400,
press F2.
5. Press F4 to display the Maintain Special FTP Settings for Users screen
Note: Special FTP settings for a user are allowed only when your system is at OS/400
V5R1 or higher. If you are at a previous operating system level, these settings
have no effect.
For this user, the initial Name Format and List Format will override the settings
established by the OS/400 Change FTP Server Attributes command (CHGFTPA).
Select the parameters as follows:
For SSL connections this should be set to 0 or 2
For regular or non-SSL connections, leave this set to 0 or 1
This field is in effect only when Name Format is set to *UNIX. The field should point to
an actual IFS directory on the System i5.