SafeNet/400 Reference Guide
Copyright 2008 MP Associates of Westchester, Inc.
V8.50 - May 2008
Allow Auto Signon
1. Use the WRKSRV command to set the TELNET server to Level 3
2. Use the WRKTCPIPA *TELNET command to enter the IP address allowed for auto
3. Enter the password type (0 or 1 is required)
4. Enter a Y to allow auto signon
5. Use the WRKSIGNON command to enter the IP address, the user profile, library,
program or menu that the client will automatically be signed on to.
For iSeries Access for Windows, you must set the TN5250 session parameters on the client setup
to bypass signon (see the ISeries Access for Windows Setup Guide). This is required if you set
the password type to 1 in the WRKTCPIPA setting.
For non-iSeries Access for Windows clients (named TELNET VT100 clients) you cannot use a
password type of 1, only 0 is supported.
Important: If you intend to allow auto signon, please test this thoroughly, since it could
present a security exposure.