SafeNet/400 Reference Guide
Copyright 2008 MP Associates of Westchester, Inc.
V8.50 - May 2008
Additional Troubleshooting Tips
Use the PCREVIEW commands to easily view historical network transactions. You can select
various filters to display only the records from the log file you are interested in. From this screen
you can request details of the information.
When testing network requests through SafeNet/400 you can see each transaction being written
to the TRAPOD file in library PCSECLIB.
Use the OS/400 DSPPFM (Display Physical File Member) command to look at the contents of
the TRAPOD file. Type B on the Control line and press ENTER. This will take you directly to
the bottom of the file and enable you to see the last request recorded in the file.
As a network request is processed by SafeNet/400, a record is written to the TRAPOD file. The
name of the SafeNet/400 program that processed the request is in position 1-10; the status of the
request is in position 11 (1= Accepted, all others are rejections); the user profile is in position 12-
The rest of the record contains specific information based on the request type. Detailed
information is available in IBM’s TCP/IP Configuration and Reference Guide
or the specific
licensed program manual.