SafeNet/400 Reference Guide
Copyright 2008 MP Associates of Westchester, Inc.
V8.50 - May 2008
Setting the Required Password Type
This field must be set if the TELNET Server is set to Level 3. You must enter the appropriate
setting for ALL TELNET IP address controls. As of OS/400 V4R2, only a setting of 0 or 1 is
available. A setting of 2, although allowed here for encrypted passwords, is only available in
V5R1 of OS/400.
Valid settings are:
0 – No password was received or validated
1 – A clear text password was received and validated
2 – An encrypted password was received (SSL TELNET only in V5R1)
For normal TN5250 (TELNET support is VT100) you must set this to 0, since non-enhanced
TELNET clients do not support this feature.
For iSeries Access for Windows TELNET, you can use a setting of 1. However, certain
iSeries Access for Windows clients do not support this, so you MUST test this at your
A setting of 0 will always allow the client to connect.