SafeNet/400 Reference Guide
Copyright 2008 MP Associates of Westchester, Inc.
V8.50 - May 2008
Customer Exit Programs
If you would like to use your own programs over these server exit points, F18 on the Maintain
Server Security screen gives you the ability to do so.
SafeNet/400 will look to see if there is a customer-written program to call. If there is, it calls the
program, passing two parameters, a one-byte status code, plus the rest of the data string from the
client. The customer exit program is always processed BEFORE the SafeNet/400 checks are
Your custom exit program can do whatever you want. When it returns to SafeNet/400, if the
status code has been changed to indicate any type of rejection, SafeNet/400 stops and logs the
request, and returns a rejection to the client.
If the exit program does not change the status code, the request will go through the normal
SafeNet/400 checking process.
The string that is passed is limited to 4,000 characters, as defined by IBM. Examples of these
strings can be found in the TRAPOD file and the appropriate IBM manuals.