About HTTP Server for AS/400 Web Programming Guide
The web is an interactive medium. For example, it allows users to use search
utilities to locate information on a topic, give feedback to a company about its
products, and more. The IBM HTTP Server software does not perform these tasks.
They are performed by external programs using information passed to them by the
server. The HTTP Server for AS/400 Web Programming Guide tells you how to write
external programs that interact with the IBM HTTP Server for AS/400 product.
The HTTP Server for AS/400 Webmaster’s Guide, GC41-5434, describes the
configuration directives used to set up and control the IBM HTTP Server for
AS/400 product.
The IBM AS/400 Information Center presents information about the Web server and
many other AS/400 products and topics in an electronic, searchable database
format. The Information Center offers assistance in setting up and configuring your
Web server and publishing a Web site, as well as the advanced functions such as
logging and proxy serving. It is available on the Internet at
http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/html/as400/infocenter.html or on CD-ROM:
AS/400 Information Center, SK3T-2027-03
The IBM HTTP Server is IBM’s web server, and it is a cross platform product. With
the IBM HTTP Server you can serve multimedia objects such as Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML) documents to World Wide Web browser clients with your
AS/400 system. The IBM HTTP Server for AS/400 is fully HTTP 1.1 compliant.
The IBM HTTP Server for AS/400 (that was introduced in V4R3) replaces the IBM
AS/400 Internet Connection Server (ICS) introduced in OS/400 V4R1.
Conventions in this book
Boldface Indicates the name of an item you need to select, the name of a field, or a
string you must enter.
Italics Indicates book titles or variable information that must be replaced by an
actual value.
Bold italics Indicates a new term.
Monospace Indicates an example, a portion of a file, or a previously entered value.
AS/400 Operations Navigator
AS/400 Operations Navigator is a powerful graphical interface for Windows
clients. With AS/400 Operations Navigator, you can manage and administer your
AS/400 systems from your Windows desktop.
You can use Operations Navigator to manage communications, printing, database,
security, and other system operations. Operations Navigator includes Management
Central for managing multiple AS/400 systems centrally.
This new interface has been designed to make you more productive and is the
only user interface to new, advanced features of OS/400. Therefore, IBM
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