The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the
structure and for details on how to process API errors, see the programming
topic in the AS/400 Information Center.
Error messages
Severe Error while addressing parameter list.
Error occurred with input data parameter.
Error occurred with receiver variable specified.
Error code parameter not valid.
Note: The Environment Variable APIs provide the getenv() (Get Value of
Environment Variable) function necessary to retrieve environment variables
in ILE/C. Therefore, programs written in ILE/C do not need to use the
QtmhGetEnv() API. This API, for ILE/C, is more difficult to use (and is
slower) than the getenv() API on which it is based.
Put Environment Variable (QtmhPutEnv) API
Required Parameter Group:
1 Environment string Input Char(*)
2 Length of environment string Input Binary(4)
3 Error Code I/O Char(*)
The QtmhPutEnv API allows you to set or create a job-level environment variable.
This is useful for communication between programs running in the same job, such
as your program and the Net.Data
language environment DTW_SYSTEM.
Required parameter group
Environment string
The input string of the form: ″envVar=value″. Where ″envVar″ is the name of
the new or existing environment variable, and ″value″ is the value you wish to
set the environment variable. Note that they are both case sensitive. The server
expects this value to be in the CCSID of the job.
Length of environment string
The input variable that contains the length of the environment string
parameter. For example, the length of the environment string ″envVar=value″
is twelve.
Error Code
26 Web Programming Guide V4R5