About HTTP Server for AS/400 Web
Programming Guide (GC41-5435) ....v
Conventions in this book ..........v
AS/400 Operations Navigator ........v
Installing Operations Navigator.......vi
Prerequisite and related information ......vi
How to send your comments ........vi
Chapter 1. Writing Common Gateway
Interface Programs ..........1
OverviewoftheCGI ...........1
CGI and Dynamic Documents .......2
The CGI process .............3
Data Conversions on CGI Input and Output. . . 5
Environment variables...........13
Requests from Standard Search (ISINDEX)
Passing SSL Environment Variables to a CGI
CGI Programs and AS/400 Activation Groups . . . 17
AS/400 Activation Groups ........17
Activation Group Problem Examples .....18
Chapter 2. Application Programming
Interfaces .............23
APIs for CGI applications .........24
Get Environment Variable (QtmhGetEnv) API . . 25
Put Environment Variable (QtmhPutEnv) API . . 26
Read from Stdin (QtmhRdStin) API .....27
Write to Stdout (QtmhWrStout) API .....29
Convert to DB (QtmhCvtDB) API ......30
Parse QUERY_STRING Environment Variable or
Post stdin data (QzhbCgiParse) API .....32
Produce Full HTTP Response (QzhbCgiUtils) API 36
Convert URL to Path (QzhbCvtURLtoPath) API 38
Retrieve Directive (QzhbRetrieveDirective) API 40
Retreive a list of all Configuration Names
(QzhbGetConfigNames) API........42
Create a Configuration (QzhbCreateConfig) API 43
Delete a Configuration (QzhbDeleteConfig) API 44
Read a Configuration File into Memory
(QzhbOpenConfig) API .........45
Free a Configuration File from Memory
(QzhbCloseConfig) API .........46
Search for a Main Directive (QzhbFindDirective)
Search for a Subdirective under Main Directive
(QzhbFindSubdirective) API ........49
Return Details of a Main Directive or
Subdirective (QzhbGetDirectiveDetail) API . . . 51
Add a Main Directive or Subdirective
(QzhbAddDirective) API .........52
Remove a Main Directive or Subdirective
(QzhbRemoveDirective) API ........54
Replace a Main Directive or Subdirective
(QzhbReplaceDirective) API ........55
Retrieve a list of all Server Instances
(QzhbGetInstanceNames) API .......56
Look up Server Instance Data
(QzhbGetInstanceData) API ........58
Change Server Instance Data
(QzhbChangeInstanceData) API ......60
Create a Server Instance (QzhbCreateInstance)
Delete a Server Instance (QzhbDeleteInstance)
Group file APIs .............64
Create a new Group File (QzhbCreateGroupList)
Read a Group File into Memory
(QzhbOpenGroupList) API ........65
Free Group File from Memory
(QzhbCloseGroupList) API ........67
Retrieve the next Group in the Group List
(QzhbGetNextGroup) API ........68
Locate a named group in a Group List
(QzhbFindGroupInList) API ........69
Retrieve the Name of a Group
(QzhbGetGroupName) API ........70
Add a new Group to the end of a Group List
(QzhbAddGroupToList) API ........71
Remove a Group from a Group List
(QzhbRemoveGroupFromList) API .....72
Retrieve the next User in the Group
(QzhbGetNextUser) API .........73
Locate a User in a Group
(QzhbFindUserInGroup) API .......74
Retrieve the Name of a User
(QzhbGetUserString) API .........75
Add a new user to the end of a Group
(QzhbAddUserToGroup) API .......76
Remove a User or Element from a Group
(QzhbRemoveUserFromGroup) API .....77
Chapter 3. Using Net.Data to Write CGI
Programs for You ..........79
Chapter 4. Using Persistent CGI
Programs .............81
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