Input directive handle in parameter &1 not valid.
Input directive handle in parameter &1 not a main directive.
No matching directive found.
Search for a Subdirective under Main Directive
(QzhbFindSubdirective) API
Required Parameter Group:
1 cfg Input Binary(4)
2 maindir Input Binary(4)
3 value Input Char(*)
4 value_len Input Binary(4)
5 startdir Input Binary(4)
6 num Input Binary(4)
7 case_sens Input Binary(4)
8 dir Output Binary(4)
9 errcode I/O Char(*)
Threadsafe: Yes
Use the QzhbFindSubdirective API to find a subdirective in a configuration file
previously opened by a call to the QzhbOpenConfig API. If a subdirective is
found, a handle to the subdirective is returned and can be used on subsequent
calls to other APIs.
Authorities and locks
Required parameter group
The handle returned by a call to the QzhbOpenConfig API.
The handle to a main directive previously returned by a call to the
QzhbFindDirective API. If the startdir parameter is not NULL, then the
maindir parameter can be passed as NULL since the main directive is implied
by startdir. If both the maindir and startdir parameters are passed, then the
startdir parameter must specify the handle to a subdirective under maindir.
The character string for matching to a subdirective. Only as many tokens
(words delimited by a blank) as are provided are matched. Any extra tokens
either on the value string or the subdirective being considered for a match will
not be compared. For example a value string of Port 1234 junk will match a
directive of Port 1234. To match any subdirective, including comment lines,
pass either a NULL pointer or a string with no tokens on it such as a 0 length
Chapter 2. Application Programming Interfaces 49