timefmt — specify date format: Use this tag to specify the format used when
providing dates.
<!--#config timefmt="%T %D" -->
<!--#flastmod file=foo.html -->
Result: ″10/18/95 12:05:33″
Default: ″%a, %d %b-%Y %T %Z″
The following strftime() formats are valid with the timefmt tag:
Table 4. Conversion Specifiers Used by strftime()
Specifier Meaning
%% Replace with %
%a Replace with the abbreviated weekday name.
%A Replace with the full weekday name.
%b Replace with the abbreviated month name.
%B Replace with the full month name.
%c Replace with the date and time.
%C Replace with the century number (year divided by 100 and
%d Replace with the day of the month (01-31)
%D Insert the date as %m/%d/%y.
%e Insert the month of the year as a decimal number (01-12). With C
POSIX this field is a 2-characters long, right-justified, and blank
%E[cCxyY] If the alternative date and time format is not available, the %E
descriptions are mapped to their unextended counterparts. For
example, %E is mapped to %C.
%Ec Replace with the alternative data and time representation.
%EC Replace with the name of the base year in the alternative
%Ex Replace with the alternative data representation.
%EX Replace with the alternative time representation.
%Ey Replace with the offset from %EC (year only) in the alternative
%EY Replace with the full alternative year representation.
%h Replace with the abbreviated month name. This is the same as %b.
%H Replace with the hour (23-hour clock) as a decimal number (00-23).
%I Replace with the hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number (00-12).
%j Replace with the day of the year (001-366).
%m Replace with the month (01-12)
%M Replace with the minute (00-59)
%n Replace with a new line.
Chapter 9. Using Server-Side Includes 133