The actual length of the QUERY_STRING. When the API is unable to
determine QUERY_STRING, this value will be set to zero. When the size
required for QUERY_STRING is larger than the length of the space
provided, the actual space required is returned.
Error Code
I/O; CHAR(*)
The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the
structure and for details on how to process API errors, see the
programming topic in the AS/400 Information Center.
Error messages
Error occurred with input data parameter.
Error code parameter not valid.
Server configuration not found or is unreadable.
Retrieve Directive (QzhbRetrieveDirective) API
Required Parameter Group:
1 Name of Configuration Input Char(10)
2 Name of the directive Input Char(*)
3 Length of the directive name Input Binary (4)
4 Number of values returned Output Binary (4)
5 Format name Input Char(8)
6 Buffer containing length/value
Output Char(*)
7 Length of space available Input Binary (4)
8 Actual length of total values
Output Binary (4)
9 Error code I/O Char(*)
Threadsafe: Yes
Use the QzhbRetrieveDirective to retrieve the current value of a configuration
directive. Some directives can have more than one value. If it does, a list of values
is returned in the order found in the configuration file. All character input and
output data will be in the CCSID of the job.
Note: The use of this API is discouraged. Support for other more comprehensive
configuration APIs (that are descibed in this section) have been provided.
This API is being provided for compatibility.
Authorities and locks
v *EXECUTE authority to the QUSRSYS library
v *OBJOPR and **READ authority to the QUSRSYS/QATMHTTPC file
Required parameter group
Name of configuration
The name of the configuration from which to retrieve the information.
40 Web Programming Guide V4R5