In this mode HTTP header output is in CCSID 37. However, the escape
sequence must be the EBCDIC representative of the ASCII code point for
the 2 characters following the ″%″ in the escape sequence. An example of a
HTTP header that may contain escape sequences is the Location header.
In this mode HTTP header output is in CCSID 37. However, the escape
sequence must be the EBCDIC representative of the EBCDIC code point for
the 2 characters following the ″%″ in the escape sequence. An example of a
HTTP header that may contain escape sequences is the Location header.
In this mode HTTP header output is in CCSID 819 with the escape
sequences also being the ASCII representative of the ASCII code point. An
example of a HTTP header that may contain escape sequences is the
Location header.
For HTTP body standard-output (stdout) data that is sent from the CGI program,
the server recognizes and uses the charset or CCSID parameter on the text/*
Content-Types. If you specify ASCII, the server performs no conversions on the
data. Otherwise, the system uses the Content-Type value instead of the
DefaultFsCCSID on conversions back to the browser. The system sets an
appropriate charset tag for all text/* Content-Types that it sends back to the
browser. The exception to this is %%MIXED%%, %%MIXED/MIXED%%,
%%BINARY/BINARY%% modes and when the charset or CCSID parameter is set
to 65535.
Table 2 summarizes the type of conversion that is performed and the charset tag
that is returned to the browser by the server.
Table 2. Conversion action and charset tag generation for text in CGI Stdout.
CGI Stdout CCSID/Charset in HTTP header Conversion action Server reply charset tag
conversion based on supplied
Calculated ASCII charset
ASCII CCSID/Charset No conversion Stdout CCSID/Charset as Charset
65535 No conversion None
None (%%BINARY%%,
Default Conversion - FsCCSID to
NetCCSID as charset
None (%%BINARY/BINARY%%) No Conversion None
None (%%EBCDIC%%,
Default Conversion - FsCCSID to
NetCCSID as charset
None (%%EBCDIC%%,
%%EBCDIC/EBCDIC%% with charset tag
received on HTTP request)
Use inverse of conversion
calculated for stdin
Charset as received on HTTP
None (%%EBCDIC_JCD%%,
Default Conversion - FsCCSID to
NetCCSID as charset
10 Web Programming Guide V4R5