LT, Line Type
Positive line types (1 - 8)
are fixed line types and use the
specified pattern length to draw lines. Any unused part of the
pattern (the residue) is carried over into the next line. The residue
is saved when any of the following commands are received: CI,
EA, EP, ER, EW, FP, PM, RA, RR, or WG. The residue is restored
when the current pen position is restored upon completion of
these HP-GL/2 commands.
The following commands clear current residue and vector end
Table 22-11 Commands that Affect LT1 - LT8
Command Group
AC,Anchor Corner
The Line and Fill
LA,Line Attributes
Attributes Group
LT,Line Type
(except (LT) and (LT99) )
PW,Pen Width
RF,Raster Fill Definition
SP,Select Pen
TR,Transparency Mode
UL,User-Defined Line Type
WU,Pen Width Unit Selection
DF,Default Values
The Configuration
and Status Group
IP,Input P1 and P2
IR,Input Relative P1 and P2
IW,Input Window
RO,Rotate Coordinate System