
Chapter 19 - The Configuration and Status Group
This chapter describes the commands used to set default conditions
and values for programmable HP-GL/2 features. It also explains the
commands used for scaling, establishing a soft-clip window, and
rotating the HP-GL/2 coordinate system.
Chapter 20 - The Vector Group
This chapter provides information about pen movement and drawing
lines, arcs, and circles. It also covers a way to encode coordinates for
increased print speed.
Chapter 21 - The Polygon Group
This chapter explains the polygon mode and how it is used to draw
polygons, subpolygons and circles. The commands for drawing and
filling wedges and rectangles are also described in this chapter.
Chapter 22 - The Line and Fill Attributes Group
This chapter describes the commands used to vary the line types and
fill patterns used to create HP-GL/2 graphics.
Chapter 23 - The Character Group
This chapter contains information about the commands used to print
text (labels) in HP-GL/2 mode. This allows you to print HP-GL/2 labels
in almost any size, slant and direction using proportional or
fixed-spaced scalable fonts.
Chapter 24 - Programming Hints
This chapter provides programming information for use during the
development of PCL software.