
An Introduction to
HP-GL/2 Vector
The PCL 5 printer provides the ability to print vector graphics
using the HP-GL/2 graphics language. HP-GL/2 graphics may
be created within application software, or imported from existing
applications. For various types of images (many technical
drawings and business graphics, for example), it is advanta-
geous to use vector graphics instead of raster graphics. The
advantages include faster I/O transfer of large images and
smaller disk storage requirements.
As a guideline, use raster graphics for small, complex images,
or those images that cannot be accomplished with HP-GL/2
(such as scanned photographs). Use HP-GL/2 for images that
would involve a large amount of I/O data transfer if printed using
raster graphics, or for drawings that are already in HP-GL/2
format. If the image is easier to describe using vectors instead
of raster lines, the image usually prints faster using HP-GL/2.
Printing with HP-GL/2 requires leaving the PCL printer language
mode and entering HP-GL/2 mode. Switching between modes
involves only a few commands, and software applications easily
switch between the two modes as needed.