22-2 The Line and Fill Attributes Group
Using Line Attributes and Types
You can change the appearance of the lines you draw by using the
Line Attribute (LA) and Line Type (LT) commands. The Line Attribute
command lets you specify whether the ends of lines and corners of
joined lines should appear as square, triangular, round, or beveled.
Figure 22-1 Line Ends Attribute
Line types are repeated patterns of dots and/or dashes (including
solid lines). The following shows some examples of line types. Note
that you can also vary the width of the lines and line types you draw
by using the Pen Width (PW) command.
SV, Screened Vectors Selects the type of area fill to
be applied to vectors (lines,
cross-hatch lines, arcs, circles,
edges of polygons, rectangles,
and wedges).
TR, Transparency Mode Defines how the white areas
of the source graphics image
affect the destination graphics
UL, User-Defined Line Type Defines a line pattern.
WU, Pen Width Unit Selection Specifies whether the pen
width is defined in millimeters
or as a percentage of the
P1/P2 distance.
Table 22-1 The Line and Fill Attribute Commands