22-14 The Line and Fill Attributes Group
Figure 22-10
PA2000,2000; Specify absolute plotting and move to
location (2000,2000).
Select the default fill type (solid black); fill
a rectangle using solid black fill, with the
lower left corner being the current pen
location and the upper right corner a point
2500 plu to the right and 300 plu up; edge
the rectangle that was just filled.
; RR2500,300;
Specify relative plotting and move the
pen up 300 plu; select fill type number 3
(parallel lines), with 80 plu between each
line, with each line tipped 30×; fill a
rectangle with the just-specified fill, using
the rectangle bounded at the lower left
corner by current the pen location and a
point 2500 X-units and 300 Y-units away
as the upper right corner.
Move the pen position up 300 plu; specify
the fill type as 36% shading; fill a rectangle
with 36% shading, with the lower left corner
being the current pen location and the
upper right corner 2500 plu to the right
and 300 plu up from there; edge the outline
of the same rectangle.
?%0A Enter the PCL mode.
?E Send a reset to end the job and eject the
Table 22-6 Example: Using the FT Command (continued)